Practice and assess multiple aspects of fluency with our grade 4 card set.
- Engages different kinds of readers with fiction and non-fiction texts in a variety of genres and content areas (math, science, social studies)
- Includes total word count after each line of text for calculating Words Correct Per Minute
- Offers suggested activities (partner, choral, audio-assisted & student/adult reading), definitions and pronunciation of difficult words, and checklist of characteristics of fluent reading on reverse side of each card
- Reinforces and supports accuracy, rate, reading with emotion, intonation, stress, character reading and comprehension
- Provides real-life photography picture cue on each card
- Features numbered and leveled cards for easy organization and guidance to appropriate assignments; leveling systems match Reading Comprehension Card Set, Grade 4
- Boxed set contains 30 cards, two 1-minute sandtimers, read-aloud CD of all texts, and 8-page, spiral-bound Teacher’s Guide with assessment templates
- Double-sided cards measure 11"L x 8.5"H each